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Stokkermill E Sorting Separation
Description :
Electrostatic Separators of the E-Sorting range are the latest frontier of technology in the separation of unclassified materials. Thanks to electric fields, it is possible to separate the conductive part (metallic) from the insulating part (paper, cardboard, plastic, rubber), the paper from the plastic, the organic part from the inert part: all with a very fine particle size.
Electrostatic Separators are simple to use, economical and with low management costs.
The technology uses differential conductivity between different materials. Insulators (less conductive) remain on the roller connected to ground by an electrostatic force, while conductors, which lose their charge, are thrown off the roller.
Electrostatic Separators E-Sorting can be used individually or in series, depending on the input materials. There are two standard sizes in the range with 600 or 1200 mm shafts.
Areas of use:
- Recovery of light fractions of precious metals (gold, silver, palladium) in the recycling processes of electrical and electronic printed circuits, WEEE
- Recovery of light fractions of metals (copper and aluminum) which are in the plastic fraction from electrical cable recycling operations
- Separation of plastics with different dielectric properties (e.g. shredded window frames separating aluminum from plastic)
- Recycling girls
- Separate the plastics (insulators) from the conductors (copper and aluminum)
- Separate conductors (copper and aluminum);
- Recycling of secondary metals;
- Mineral processing (eg. Used in conjunction with high intensity magnetic separators to separate beach sands)